You Might Not Know That These Cities Have High Rate Of STD’s

Top 10 Cities for Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD)

The eight STDs measured in a study  by the most reputed organizations rated the top ten cities in America with the following: Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Herpes 2 (Genital Herpes), HIV/AIDS (I and II), Hepatitis B and C.

Cities Have High Rate Of STD

4,000+ people anonymously tested, giving the following cities their rating:

  1. Washington, D.C. – Politics. 
  1. Dallas, TX – The population of Dallas is the second-fastest growing and the fourth most populous metropolitan area in the country. The job market is incredible, standing with New York City and Houston in Fortune 500 companies. These factors all contribute to making the top ten, Dallas in at number nine.
  1. Chicago, IL – The highest population age groups in Chi-Town are 22-29 years of age. And, over 1 million people are young and middle aged adults, prime sexual years. It’s no wonder they made the top ten.
  1. Atlanta, GA – Young professionals are infiltrating Atlanta to include Peach Tree and other hot spots downtown. The STDs rates have climbed exponentially.
  1. Philadelphia, PA – As the sixth largest metro city and the highest user rate for Tinder, a provocative site for dating, it is no surprise Philly is on the list.
  1. New York City, NY – New York is the largest city with over 8.5 million people, statistically they are going to be the list. So, coming in at number five is not so bad. But, there’s always room for improvement.
  1. Miami, FL – Miami is an international hub where people go to Miami Beach with a purpose – to party. Hotels and nightclubs with easy access to alcohol and exotic people from all over the world keeping free love and one-night stands popular.
  1. San Antonio, TX – Known as the seventh-largest city in the country for square footage, San Antonio’s Riverwalk located downtown has miles of restaurants, clubs, hotels, and bars with an influx of people from all over the country attending conferences giving people an easy route to spending the night together.
  1. San Francisco, CA – San Francisco known as the LGBT capital of the United States is now seeing a decrease in the cases of HIV, attributed to safe sex within the LGBT community. However, the other STDs are increasing due to unsafe sex. With so many venues for music, booze, games and hooking up, unsafe sex is on the rise.
  1. Austin, TX – Austin, the capital if Texas has a saying “Keep Austin Weird,” which is everywhere, bumper stickers, t-shirts, and popularized through other products and mediums. The hippy spirit with free love, a nude beach, and a wild night life keeps Austin in the lead as number one.

SOLUTIONS: Abstinence, Get Tested, Safe Sex