Hepatitis Symptoms, Treatment, Self-Protection & Testing

Hepatitis Symptoms: Testing and Treatment

Hepatitis is defined as “Inflammation of the liver, caused by a virus or a toxin and characterized by jaundice, liver enlargement, and fever.”


Three types of viral hepatitis affect the liver. They are categorized as hepatitis: A, B, and C. All three are severe conditions can be transmitted sexually; hepatitis B and C are either two leading causes for a liver transplant or liver cancer.

Hepatitis Symptoms

Hepatitis Symptoms

The initial symptoms of hepatitis are also called the acute phase. It is much like the mild flu with noted complaints of diarrhea, appetite loss, mild fever, some abdominal pain. Prolonged symptoms include hives, headache and light-colored feces with pus. Additional symptoms may be present that are related to toxicity or chronic alcohol imposed conditions. The acute form of hepatitis can last for up to six months.

Treatment For Hepatitis

The treatment protocol is dependent on diagnosis determined from lab testing.

-Hepatitis A: Patients are recommended rest and recovery occurs in a reasonable time frame.

-Hepatitis B: Patients are advised to rest along with a diet high in carbohydrates and protein. This is to aid liver restoration and liver cell immunity.

-Hepatitis C: Most patients are prescribed pegylated interferon with ribavirin. Patients with chronic hepatitis C may receive supplementation of vitamin B12. This has a significant benefit to adding support for standard HCV treatment protocol.


Being informed on the manner in which hepatitis is transmitted is the first step toward protecting oneself from the likelihood of being at risk for the disease. Using appropriate precautions when having sexual relations with a new partner is advisable. Abstaining from sharing the same potable container or device is too advisable.

Lab Testing and Clinics

The lab test for hepatitis is called the acute viral hepatitis panel in many circles. It is used to help detect and diagnose the presence of severe liver infection. Moreover, it is the only test to aid in detection of hepatitis. It is asserted the test may only be valid when symptoms of hepatitis, several mentioned above, have presented and are ongoing. If you are not convenient standing in line at the labs, you can book online appointments with websites that offer such services as STDCheck.com, STDTestExpress.com, and many more.

When Is The Right Time For Testing

The test is generally conducted in a lab or clinic setting. One may select a location by entering their zip code to see if a facility is nearby. Usually, no pre-test preparation is required on the part of the patient. A blood sample is taken from the vein of the patient’s arm. It may take two days to one week for results to be finalized. Often, the patient will be notified of the lab results by their primary healthcare provider.