Can You Get an STD Without Having Sex? A Simple (But Complete) Guide

You learned about it in high school sex ed classes and the overarching message was probably ‘use condoms’ and ‘abstain’. It’s all in the name: sexually transmitted disease.

But can you get an STD without having sex? The short answer: yes. Check out this guide for a simple explanation and information to get tested ASAP.

What is an STD?

STDs are Sexually Transmitted Diseases and are infections that pass most commonly from one person to another through sexual contact. The most common STDs are:

  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhea
  • HPV
  • Syphilis
  • Trichomoniasis
  • Herpes

But can I get an STD without intercourse?



How Do You Get an STD Without Sex?

Of course, engaging in intercourse is the most commonly known way to get an STD. However, there are many other ways to contract an STD without having sex. If you’re wondering ‘how can I get an STD without being sexually active?’ here’s how.


A couple of STDs can be transmitted through kissing. The most common one is herpes, the virus that causes cold sores. Luckily, herpes often has physical symptoms that you can see. If someone looks like they may have cold sores, it’s best to avoid swapping spit.

Sharing Things That Come into Contact With Your Mouth

Much like with kissing, herpes can transfer through sharing things like lip balm or cutlery. You can contract oral herpes from someone who is infected and this can spread to the genitals through oral sex.

Oral Sex

Can you get an STI without having sex? Well, many people don’t consider oral sex to be ‘real sex’. However, the risk of contracting an STD is very real if you engage in oral sex with someone who has an STD. Herpes can spread easily through oral sex even with the use of a condom.

Condomless oral sex poses the risk of syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and HPV.

Sharing Sheets & Towels

How can I get an std without being sexually active, or kissing someone?

Some STDs can survive outside the human body, such as crabs and pubic lice. Sharing clothes, towels or sheets or any sort of damp material is a breeding ground for parasites.

Contaminated Food

It’s possible to get an STI such as Hepatitis A from food. If someone has an STD and doesn’t wash their hands before preparing the food, it can infect the eater.

Skin-to-Skin Contact

Although it’s rare, both herpes and human papillomavirus can be transmitted simply through the skin to skin contact. The modern trend of shaving and waxing the nether regions can increase the risk due to breaks and lesions in the skin.

Indirect Contact

It’s very rare, but indirect contact from one part of your body to your genitals, or even from a sex toy, can spread diseases such as trichomoniasis. It’s important to thoroughly clean sex toys and maintain hygiene standards to prevent this from happening.

Sharing Sharp Objects

Sharing razors, needles or any other sharp object that can break through the skin increases the risk of transmitting STDs, especially diseases that are transmitted through blood such as HIV or hepatitis. Sharing needles carries a very high risk, whereas razors are lower risk.

Getting Tested for an STD

If you are concerned about having contracted an STD or are displaying symptoms, you should get tested immediately. It’s understandable, with the stigma that surrounds STDs, that it is intimidating to go for a test. You can start with online STD testing which is discreet and private.

Use this STDcheck coupon and get your results delivered quickly and privately.

So, Can You Get an STD Without Having Sex?

How do you get an STD? Well, as explained there are many ways to contract an STD. Can you get an STD without having sex? Yes, however the highest risk and most common transmission of STIs is still through sexual intercourse.

Find out everything you need to know at STD Test Info and order your test today.