At Home STD Testing Or Lab test

STDs are a significant health concern. Because many common diseases show no symptoms for an extended period or have symptoms that seem to disappear, many people carry these diseases without realizing it. As a result, these diseases are inadvertently spread. Anyone who engages in unprotected sexual contact should get an STD test. To stay safe, people should always use protection. Remember, someone can seem perfectly healthy and still carry a disease that has yet to become symptomatic.

Even if using protection, sexually active people should get tested every six months. It is still possible for a disease to be transmitted. All STDs are treatable. The sooner treatment begins, the better the results and the less discomfort and worry the patient experiences.

Many people hesitate to get an STD test. Sometimes, this is because they don’t understand that they could have exposed without realizing it. Other times, it is because they are fearful of the results, feel embarrassed, or are afraid of other people discovering that they got tested. None of these reasons should hold anyone back from getting tested. STD testing is 100 percent confidential. There is no reason to be embarrassed because no one will find out, and tests are conducted with100 percent privacy. People always feel better when they get tested. This way, they know if they are clear and get into treatment if they need it.

What is at-home STD testing?

At-home STD testing is still relatively new. People can take one of these tests by ordering an at-home STD testing kit online. Many reliable companies provide this option, like MyLabBox.

How does it work?

A kit arrives in the mail, generally within 5 to 7 days. The kit includes simple instructions for submitting blood and urine samples.

After collecting the samples, the donor mails in the materials. It generally takes another 5 to 7 days for the samples to be tested. The results are then posted to the donor’s private online account. If there is a positive result, the testing company recommends that the donor visit his or her doctor.

What is direct-to-lab STD testing?

With a direct-to-lab test, the customer makes an online appointment with a local testing center. Generally, the customer can take the test that day or at any time in the following days without an appointment. The customer does not need to visit the doctor first.

How does direct-to-lab STD testing work?

The donor usually provides a urine sample, blood sample, or both. A phlebotomist will take any needed blood samples. The process takes just a few minutes. The average processing time is one to two days. As with at-home tests, results are provided to the donor’s private online account. If results are positive, the lab recommends that the donor visit his or her doctor.

Which STD test is less expensive?

Direct-to-lab STD testing is more cost-effective than at-home tests. Labs are set up to handle a large volume of customers and perform many tests. As a result, costs are kept down.

For both direct-to-lab tests and at-home tests, the cost depends on whether the customer requests a test for a single STD or a panel that screens for multiple STDs. For example, a single test for chlamydia might run for $89.00. Taking a panel test reduces the cost of each test. A typical 10-panel test for the common STDs is available for less than $200 from some providers.

Payment for STD testing can be handled in several ways. Customers who are going through an insurance company generally have to see a doctor and have symptoms for the insurance company to pay for the testing. As a result, most people going through insurance do not use at-home or direct-to-lab STD testing.

When paying for STD tests out-of-pocket with either at-home or direct-to-lab testing, customers can use Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA) funds. These tax-advantaged accounts provide substantial cost savings on all available medical services. Most testing companies will also accept credit cards, debit cards, money orders, and some take Bitcoin.

Which method of testing is more private?

Direct-to-lab testing provides total privacy because no test kit arrives at the donor’s home. Because all of the transactions occur through a private online account, no one can find out about the testing if the donor does not share the information. People using at-home testing kits should be careful to dispose of the kits, so people are unable to see them.

Both methods provide medical records privacy, as governed by HIPAA. Under HIPAA, no one can force the donor or the testing facility to reveal a person’s STD status. It is illegal for the testing facility to show any results to third parties.

One advantage of using one of these methods is that the results are not reported to insurance companies. When testing is done using insurance, the test and results are reported to the insurance company. In some cases, this can lead to higher insurance rates.

Which test method is more accurate?

Direct-to-lab tests are highly accurate. The labs are the same quality as those used by doctor’s offices. Also, the samples collected in the lab are more comprehensive, allowing for superior results.

What if you want results ASAP?

The direct-to-lab method provides the quickest results. A customer can make an appointment online for that day, and results become available within one to two days.

Which process is more comfortable and less time-consuming?

Direct to lab is more straightforward because a lab technician takes the samples. With at-home tests, the donor must collect the samples and mail them. In-lab tests generally take just a few minutes, and there are more than 4,500 labs nationwide.

What if I test positive for an STD?

It’s a scary thing, but knowing is better than not knowing. Most STDs are treated with medication and can be cured entirely. The important thing is to see a doctor promptly to prevent the disease from causing permanent damage. It’s also essential to inform any partners who might also be infected.

Before going to the STD testing lab, be sure to choose which tests you need. For most people, a ten-panel test for all STDs provides the most meaningful results, though some people need a test for a specific disease. STDs are a significant health concern across America. Because they incubate, people often carry them for years without knowing it. When this happens, the disease has the opportunity to cause more damage. To be safe, always practice safe sex and get tested regularly.