Most Common STD Symptoms In Men

STD Symptoms In Men

A sexually transmitted disease (STD) is caused by infectious organisms that get passed from one person to another person through sexual contact and the exchange of body fluids. If you have sex, whether it is vaginal intercourse, anal, oral or genital touching, you may get an STD. Regardless of your sexual orientation, whether you are single or married, you are vulnerable to the symptoms of an STD. If you have an STD that goes untreated, you may increase your risk of getting another STD, such as HIV. This happens when the immune response in your genital area is stimulated or causes sores as a result of the STD, which may increase your risk of HIV transmission. Knowing and identifying the symptoms of an STD is critical in preventing transmitting STD’s to other and preventing long-term complications, including possible infertility.

Common STD Symptoms in Men

It is important to know that some STDs are asymptomatic, meaning they may not have signs or symptoms. However, even with no apparent symptoms, the infection can be passed to your sexual partners. So it is essential to use protection, such as a condom during sexual intercourse and to have regular STD screenings to help identify and treat a possible infection before you pass it on. The symptoms of an STD in men can drastically vary from one person to another, depending on the type of infection and the stage of the infection and the symptoms may vary from mild to severe. The most common STD symptoms in men may include:

  • Bumps, spots or lesions on the penis
  • Bumps, spots or lesions on the penis
  • Blisters on or around the penis
  • Painful ejaculation
  • Discharge and/or oozing from the penis (may be thick, thin, white, clear or yellow)
  • Rash on the groin, penis and/or testicles
  • Itching on the tip of the penis
  • Uncommon, but Possible STD Symptoms in Men
  • Pain and/or swelling in the testicles
  • Sore throat (after oral sex)
  • Chronic flu-like symptoms
  • Fever
  • Rectal bleeding, pain and/or discharge (after anal sex)
  • Urethritis (swelling of the urethra)
  • Swelling of joints, such as knees or elbows
  • Epididymitis (swelling of the epididymis)

Hoping (or thinking) your partner does not have an STD is not going to protect you; it is critical that you know for sure. Condoms are very effective at reducing the transmission of some STDs, but it is important to keep in mind that no method is foolproof. STDs are a topic may people are embarrassed to talk about, but it is extremely important to be checked and treated as well as inform your partner (s) so they can also be tested and treated. Some men mistakenly assume that simply because they are not having any symptoms of an STD that they do not have an STD infection, but in many types of STD infections, there may be no symptoms that develop at all. This is why it is extremely important for men to have comprehensive screenings for STDs if you are sexually active, especially if you have ever engaged in unprotected sex.

You have many options to check yourself and your loved ones for STD’s, Take the advantage of online sites that provide STD checking.